Chem-GOTS 062
Gammacolor has decided to meet the needs of the textile supply chain to adopt eco-sustainable production methods;
for this reason we have decided to submit our products to ICEA, an accredited institute for the verification of the approval of the chemical products that can be used in the ennobling of GOTS certified textile products.
The evaluation of the products is mainly based on the verification of the toxicological and ecotoxicological features.
ISO 9001:2015
CISQ/Certiquality s.r.l.
Gammacolor has its Quality Management System certified ISO 9001 by Certiquality.
Gammacolor presents, works and cooperates with various organizations and associations:
– Part of “Tessile e salute” association.
– Collaborates with Federchimica (centro Reach).
– Collaborates with the Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri.
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